Saturday, October 18, 2008


After several weeks of great anticipation, and a little post office related anxiety, our wallpaper has finally arrived from the UK. Our new office/library is going to go tropical, with a banana leaf print on our feature wall. The opposite wall is now wall to wall bookshelves meaning that we could finally unpack all the books we shipped from the UK. Whilst perusing Hermann's contribution to the Kistner library, I came across a very amusing little volume: "100 Mindsparks to light up your head, heart, body and soul". Mmmmm. There are 2 reasons why this is funny:

Firstly, Hermann says he got it free at some work related event - which does not quite explain why it is autographed 'dear Linda - live with passion'...

Secondly, and the main point of this little blogette, is that the first page I happened to turn to pretty much sums up our usual state of mind: "The reason why I love South Africa is that no-one knows what's going on. Confusion is the national state of mind".

We're very relieved the wallpaper arrived....

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