Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Anya Rocks it at the Goldfish Concert

It may have been all the iced zoo biscuits Anya ate, but she had a fantastic time dancing at the Goldfish Concert in the Botanic Gardens on Sunday. Solveig spent the entire concert looking a tad startled (not sure if this was a good thing or not but as loads of other people also took their babies, we'll just join the queue at the ear clinic....). It was a gorgeous afternoon. We packed a few beers, a picnic and joined our friends for an afternoon of wicked tunes. Hermann and I even recognised a couple of the songs. See - we are cool happening people after all - OK, maybe not - but at least Anya will be able to say she had good taste in music from an early age. Not like her Mum, who's first single was Agadoo!

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