Sunday, February 3, 2008

Prawn Cocktail

If Anya won't eat her porridge then there is a queue of wildlife waiting in the wings. We usually dump dirty washing on the floor in the downstairs toilet as this is where the washing machine lives. Last Friday I nipped in there for a pee and mid flow was distracted by something I saw moving out the corner of my eye. I was horrified to discover the pile of dirty washing was crawling with cockroaches - all attracted by the bountiful harvest of regurgitated baby porridge. Needless to say, I screamed blue murder until Hermann came to rescue me. This involved borrowing my flip flop and thrashing the pile of washing until there was a suitable number of decapitated cockroaches strewn accross the floor. Its amazing how much cockroach shit can be generated in such a short space of time. Over here they call cockroaches the 'Durban Prawn'. If there was ever a reason to avoid prawn cocktail then this is it!

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