What do you do when its raining in Durban? Get wet anyway! Our plans for a quiet day on our return from Amatikulu were cast aside in favour of a day at Ushaka Marine World. First stop was the Wet N Wild water park. Anya and Hannah looked super cute in their matching dookers. Anya went down the baby slides on my knee and played in the fountains while Hannah did the bigger slides with Kath & Jonny. Later, everyone went down the big Jiggy Jiggy slide where you go down the chute in a rubber ring boat. Hannah screamed all the way down. Anya was open mouthed in surprise. But by the 3rd descent she had got the hang of it and was jumping up and down in excitement. When Anya had finally passed out with excitement (just before lunch), I took the opportunity to go down some slides with Kath while Jonny nursed his various sliding injuries - caused by one trip too many on the Long Drop (also knows as the ball breaker)! After lunch, and with Hannah and Anya refuelled and ready to go, we rampaged our way through the aquarium, stopped off to see the sharks being fed, then caught the last dolphin show of the day. We had so much fun we did it all again on Thursday.
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