Anya is loving Hannah's visit. The girls pretty much scream with excitment from the minute they get up (6am - or earlier) till the moment they go to sleep. Kath and I are exhausted! It took a trip to Woolies to stock up on picnic goodies before we could even consider a day trip to Tala - a small game reserve which is about an hour west of Durbs. Poor Kath had to sit in the back of the car, sandwiched between the 2 baby seats, while Anya did her best Hannah impression (that would be a very loud scream) for a whole hour. Our ears were ringing by the time we arrived. A slight reconfiguration of seats later (Jonny driving - me wrestling with Anya in the back - Kath being trampled by Hannah in the front) and off we went to see some animals. Luckily, you practically trip over the animals in Tala, so Hannah and Anya had lots to see - zebras, wildebeest, blessbok, ostriches, impalas, kudu and nyala. We stopped off at the picnic area for a snack, a cool down swim and then lunch. Anya fell asleep the instant she was put back in the car (she didn't even make it out the car park), a short spell of hippo and giraffe spotting later, and Hannah also fell asleep. Unfortunately for us, the girls woke up the minute we stopped to put the baby seats backs. Typical. Luckily they were good as gold on the way home, even when we stopped off at the Pav for a spot of shopping. Gluttons for punishment, we gave the girls an early tea and bath before heading out to Butcher Boys for a steak. Despite being pushed in her pram up and down Florida Road, Anya refused to go to sleep on command. In the end, Kath ordered her meal before us so that she could share it with Hannah (and Anya). Both girls passed out by the time our main courses arrived. I can't say it was one of the most relaxing meals out, but Jonny got his steak and everyone got to take the piss out of me when I drove them home (Kath sitting in the boot). And all because I drove down Florida Road without the lights on....
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