This picture shows the first stretch that we travelled on - the main road from Giriyondo border post into Mozambique, turning right takes one to Massingir Dam and central Moz beaches (like Xai Xai), our first tea stop was after 36 kms of undulating, at first, and then gentle downhills - a comfortable start. Mark Huxtable, came a cropper on this gravel - falling off his bike trying to catch his dislodged water bottle - and badly cutting his elbow. He shrugged it off, and continued - winning the team prize later that evening for perserverence.
After tea, we had a 16km stretch on a nice undulating jeep track which was mainly hard sand and a bit of rock, going through a couple of dry (small) river beds. A similar 32km jeep track took us to our first camp situated close to the dry Shingwedzi River. A full 85km and we were home. Holder unfortunately hit a serious sand patch in the road at considerable speed (x his not inconsiderable personal load) and managed to badly buckle his front tyre - which meant he had to retire for the day (bike was fixed by the 4 very able bike mechanics that evening). He ended up driving in a land rover with Gerald de Kock (watch out on Supersport soon). Everyone passing Holger had asked if he had seen a doctor yet - and when the doctor passed, the diagnosis was that Holger 'was just dirty'
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