For some reason, the theme tune to the A-Team is going through my brain, so today's blog has to be read with this in mind...
na nana nana nana....
Date: Monday 13th August
Mission: Safe arrival of Froona Kistner
0100 hours: Status of Uterus: irritable. Status of Rosie: even more irritable. Likely cause: an evening spent watching terrestial SA TV in empty labour ward.
0800 hours: Induction started
0830 hours: Dr Dave in danger of losing arm in internal examination. Cervix is firmly closed. Rosie perfects new range of facial expressions as befits the occasion.
0900 hours: Hermann arrives for tour of duty. Telecommunications centre set up (i.e. laptop) for international news updates.
1100 hours: Hermann begins work on UK Tax Return! Rosie sucks ice and retreats to 'happy place'.
1200 hours: Mission not progressing well. But UK Tax Return figures are complete. Nurses prohibit ingestion of all food and liquid. Blue Zoo curry is now a fading memory......
1300 hours: Rosie's lunch arrives which Hermann eats. Rosie manages to steal one passing lick of her chocolate brownie.
1400 hours: Dr Dave called in to assess mission status. Mission has stalled. Plan B officially called into action (or should that be Plan C)
1645 hours: Rosie prepped for the chop.
1700 hours: Rosie suffers hormonal attack of the King Kongs (aka uncontrollable crying as witnessed on the 3 day cry fest that was King Kong the 2005 remake). It would even have put Ronald to shame!
1705 hours: Spinal block administered (first pain relief of the day, unless you count a brief encounter with a chocolate brownie)
1727 hours: Safe delivery of Froona. Clean up operations commence.
1900 hours: Baby officially named - and its neither Freya nor Oona
2100 hours: A morphine shot, cup of tea and a biscuit are finally administered to Rosie - yippee
Mission Stats:
Name: Anya Kistner
Weight: 3.645 kgs
Length: 52 cms
Birth Head Circumference: 37.5cms
APGAR 1 Min: 9 (blue tinge to fingersand toes)
APGAR 5 Mins: 10 (perfect)
Innoculations: BCG, Polio
Identifying Features:
Looks Like: Hermann
Feeds Like: Hermann
1 comment:
What a brilliant read - when does the book come out?
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