I can only marvel at the wonders of modern medication as I sit here at the computer, buttocks clenched in another feeble effort to keep the voltaran suppositary in, typing away, while the Grandparents cuddle the latest addition to the Kistner Clan - little Solveig. Born 9th October, shortly after 1pm, weighing in at 3.59kgs and 55cms long. Practically a carbon copy of her sister Anya.
Solveig, of course, saved up 3 days worth of wind for her first night at home. Prior to that, we had 3 blissful nights in Parklands. She was only feeding once every 3 hours and went even longer between feeds at night. I had my lovely private en-suite room, a large packet of Woolies chocolate digestives and lots of drugs. Just as well, if I'm going to have to contend with a piddly 2 hours sleep per night for the forseeable future.
Anya was initially very wary of her little sister, but is now loving Solveig and even offering to share her Schnuppy - a dubious honour which involves being hit on the head with the dog, or even worse, being asked to kiss the dog.
We all went to the Botanic Gardens this afternoon so Anya is completely buggered. Dad had to sit in the boot of the car with the pram - he says he's now a true African. Dad & Hermann have tickets for the rugby on Saturday, but until then I anticipate a week of doing not very much.
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