We can hardly believe it. Our little poppet is now 2 years old and being a tad hormonal, just the first few bars of 'Happy Birthday' were enough to start me blubbling. And I got plenty of practise over the next 3 days! Anya's big early morning present opening literally stalled after just a couple of presents. Opa's market stall, her little cash register and her shopping trolley kept her far too busy to even consider opening any other presents. She had a little birthday party & cake at Janine's (play school) but was still too busy playing with her shop to open presents in the afternoon. Some serious pester power from Saskia led to the opening of another couple of presents, and then it was back to playing with the shop. We attempted to open a few more presents on Friday, but then the bouncy castle arrived for the weekend. Saturday was her big party. 15 kids + 1 bouncy castle = hassle free party, although we were a bit dubious after seeing the piccies of Hannah's broken leg! The party lasted from 10am to 8pm when Hermann took off to Diana & Ronin's for pizza and beer, leavng me to finally relax.
All I can say, is that you know life is pretty good, when you can take off down to the beach for breakfast instead of clearing up the post party rubble. Sit in glorious sunshine, sipping a nice latte and watching your little girl (no longer a baby) play in the sand!
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