Anya packs the essentials:
Apologies for everyone who has been waiting in anticipation for the next blog update (Mum, Dad - that pretty much narrows it down to you!) but Lynne and I have been extremely busy eating cake and drinking lots of hot chocolate now that it is getting rather chilly in Durbs (only 35 degrees here yesterday). We've also been doing a lot of washing! I've just about recovered from 10 days (and very long nights) in a tent with Anya, and now feel strong enough to record details of all our adventures?!
First things first. Cape Town was pretty cool. We had a fab little orange town house in Bo Kaap which was nice and central for pottering around town. Lynne's popped the photos on Facebook already. And we pretty much did all the touristy things that you are supposed to do. Here is a summary of Anya's thoughts on all our activities.
Robben Island - whaaaaaaaaaaaah whaaaaaaaaaaaah whahhhhhhhhhh (we don't know why we took her either)
Table Mountain - whaaaaaaaaaaah (too windy)
Cape Point - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (too exhausting)
Kalky's Bay fish n chips - more garlic mayonnaise please!
Simon's Town & Penguins - PINGOOO PINGOO PINGOOO (shouted continuously in hyper excitement - although Anya did earn some extra brownie points by deciding to pose in random people's photographs)
We also made it to Groot Constantia for lunch (life's such a chore) and even managed to catch up with Dieter & Melanie.
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