Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Proliferation of Birthday Parties

It is officially the season of 1st birthday parties - for the next 2 months Anya has a party almost every week. There were 18 women in my ante-natal group, so to try and cut down on the size of everyone's parties we decided to have one joint party in the Botanic Gardens. It was chaos. The weather was too miserable for the gardens so Joe very bravely volunteered her house. There were 12 babies all toddling around and I don't think I actually managed to finish a single coversation. Taking (good) photographs was impossible, so instead I'll post up a photo from Axel's pirate party. Anya went in full fancy dress (the only baby to do so) but all the babies were given a pirate hat on arrival so she didn't feel too left out!

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