Thank God for digital cameras. My attempts to capture a photograph of the Froonchen smiling (for the Huggies Smiley Baby competition) have ended in failure and 84 photos best epitomised by the one displayed above.
Unfortunately there is a bit of a delay on our camera and as smiling is a fairly new skill, the Froonchen can only sustain her smile for an extremely limited period of time, for example:
1) On production of the milk ducts
2) The switching on of the musical cot mobile
3) After long periods of parental absence
Things guaranteed to wipe the smile off her face and result in catastrophic tears:
1) The putting away of the milk ducts (unless the baby is so full of milk it is coming out of her nose and leaks incontrollably from her mouth)
2) The switching off of the musical cot mobile
3) Long periods of parental absence.
Unfortunately, this afternoon, I managed to lock myself out of the front gate while Froonchen was still inside the house. The door slammed in the wind while I was saying cheerio to Gitty. Luckily she had a mobile phone to call Hermann while I raced next door to see if I could scale the wall from Chippy's garden. Hermann's burglar prevention measures had us foiled. There was too much barbed wire to jump the wall so we had to wait for Hermann to get home. Luckily he was only 10 minutes away but when we finally got in we found the poor Froonchen lying in a puddle of tears. The poor baby has been a limpet for the rest of the day.
PS - those are not my knees
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