This morning resembled the Great Escape when Bongile went 'over the top' of the veranda defences and spent the best part of two hours running riot around the garden. I can now confirm that bunnies WILL EAT cycads.
Unfortnately for us, there is still no cover on the ventilation hole for under the house - it made a perfect bunny bolt hole. We're hoping that she hasn't eaten any of the alarm cabling which is down there....
It took ages to coax her out from under the house with an apple. She finally bopped back onto the newly barricaded side veranda and with some strategic backfilling of the big hole, it was possible to corner her and then pop her back into her hutch, where she was happily reunited with Phumu.
We're pooped - is it too early for a gin & tonic? (8.33am)
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