Can I just say, first and foremost, that camping with 7 barely potty trained small kids and 3 babies is not for the fainthearted. Just as well it was the Foreign Legion's camping trip (that's the foreign wives club - as christened by Hermann). 50 emails and about the same number of texts later (and that's just from Camper Lulu) and we had somehow successfully coordinated a foolproof cooking rota and 5 campsites in a row at Bazely Beach, about an hour down the South Coast from Durbs. The weekend was fantastic. The kids had a brilliant time playing around the campsite, hunting Easter eggs, swimming in the camp pools, or just hanging out on the beach. Us girlies even managed a couple of hours away from the kids to surprise Claudia with a combined birthday party and baby shower. We commandeered the jetty, tied pink ballons everywhere and even managed to smuggle presents, pink sparkly plonk and a cooler box full of daiquiris out of camp without being spotted. It was so hot that most of the Dads opted to drive their kids around for an hour so that they could have an afternoon nap in air conditioning. We headed home on Monday, exhausted but very very happy. Can't wait to do it all again next weekend...