What a cracking weekend! We're just back from our weekend away to Happy Wanderers campsite - doon the south coast. And what a laugh! The weather all week was appalling, propmpting more than a few sarcastic texts from Lulu, who woosed out on the experience on account of being too pregnant. We know you really wanted too!! The howling gale that we woke up to on Friday morning ensured that the mobile networks were kept busy - but us hardy foreigners were all still up for it. Just a light breeze.....
It was a lunchtime departure, and in true toddler fashion, none of us managed to leave on time. Us, the Makepeaces (Jen, Rob, Anya's BFF Emily, and Baba Joe) and the Millards (Ronin, Diana, Harvey, Clara & Mustard the dog) all left in convoy. And a right motely crew we looked too. Diana's car looked like as if it had been packed by the Beverly Hillbillies (direct quote from the missus) and there were some strange going ons with Rob's roof rack that necessitated an emergency pull over at the services. Who knew that packing a surf board bag full of mattresses would result in a 90 degree bend which made it look like they were giving the finger to all traffic following behind. Just a tad alarming!
The campsite was only an hour from Durban, and with all the little people having an afternoon nap on the journey down it was full scale excitement on arrival. Claudia, Terry & Keto arrived soon after. As did Rob's brother Reg and friends Quin & Jess. It only took an hour of lively discussion to decide where to put the communal area gazebo and pitch all the tents. In the meantime, the kids were making themselves at home, checking out the beach and playing in the dirt. With the kitchen and bar set up, it was time for the traditional braai (no surprises there) and once the kids were in bed the party lights went on, music was turned up and the whiskeys were poured - it was very cold after all.
Saturday was a glorious day - warm, sunny, beach on your doorstop, monkeys to chase (Mustard) and good company. The kids played with their dolly prams - although you do get strange looks when you take 3 little blonde toddlers for a walk/waddle whilst 8 months pregnant - NB since the baby has now obviously dropped the girls give me a week! Milk anyone?
Delia & Michelle arrived Saturday afternoon to join in the fun. Jess made all the kids gorgeous little shell necklaces, and Mustard went crazy chasing mongooses. The kids were absolutley shattered by tea time leaving the rest of us to party on. It was Terry's birthday so there was actually a reason to celebrate. We don't normally need a reason... Anyway, the campiste had put on a big bonfire on the beach plus disco so after dinner, the carryoots were packed and off everyone went. Except me & Hermann who went to bed. Little did we know that our merry campers were going to party in style. Without casting any stones (Diana) a slight tussle with the DJ over a Nirvana CD resulted in some argy bargy from the jealous girlfriend. And after igniting the sparks of conflict a full scale bar brawl developed. A hasty retreat ensued.
Ha ha, it made for some interesting stories over breakfast - especially when it transpired that they had unwittingly gatecrashed a private party. Oh well, we'll be booking in under a different name next time.