Sunday, April 27, 2008

Interesting Facts about the Dodo

1) The dodo is a fat pigeon and not actually related to the turkey
2) They were named dodo because the were so stupid - duh!
3) Curiosity did not actually kill the cat but it did kill the dodo - when the first sailors landed on the island of Mauritius, hundreds of dodos waddled down to the beach to say hello
4) It only took 30 years to eat them out of existance.

Happy Holidays

Its been a hectic few weeks with Hermann leaving me home alone with the Froonchie for 10 days as he had to go to Europe for work (and a spot of snowboarding). Life as a single mother is of course much easier when you have a maid 3 days a week. Nevertheless, the arrival of 3 new teeth means that I am as sleep deprived as ever. What a relief then, to finally have a holiday. After all, its been an outrageous WHOLE YEAR since our last holiday in Spain!!! We flew to Mauritius for 7 days and stayed in the Hilton Resort. Its not our usual type of holiday but it was absolute heaven. The beaches were gorgeous, scenery was amazing, and babysitters were plentiful. Froonchie had a great time playing in the sand and paddling in her little inflatable boat. Hermann went scuba diving and we even managed to squeeze in some day trips to the nature reserves and Port Louis. As befitted our luxury holiday, we travelled everywhere in great style. Hermann hired us possibly the smallest car on the planet. God knows how we managed to squeeze in 2 large suitcases, 2 smaller bags, a pram, the baby, Hermann and me. Luckily the stuffed dodo only joined the party at the airport on the way home.