Friday, January 18, 2008

Daddy's Girl

I've morphed into the parent from hell and started indiscriminately posting photos...but this one is sooooooooooooo cute..........

To ship or not to ship

After 3 weeks of no sleep (see earlier blog about the lurgy) it was very tempting to also ship the baby............

Family Gatherings

We had a fun family lunch in Penicuik so that Auntie Barbara, Auntie Connie and Uncle Jack could meet Anya. My attempts to video Christmas messages from everyone present was brutally subverted. I'm not sure that my editing skills will be able to strip out the rude jokes, burping, farting and general chaos. On the other hand I may just keep the video unedited to illustrate our dysfunctional family. If Anya turns out alright I'll be able to show her what she was up against.

Happy Hogmany

Its been a mad 3 weeks in Scotland. We've been busy trying to see everyone, sell the cottage, pack up boxes for shipping and eat as much yorkshire pudding as humanly possible. We abandoned the baby with the Grandparents so that we could celebrate the New Year in traditional style i.e. in a posh frock, shoes abandoned, dancing our pants off with a glass of champers or two in hand. Its been a fantastic trip but after 3 weeks of cold rain we're looking forward to seeing some sun. The baby has been wrapped up like an eskimo but still managed to catch the lurgy. Thank God for Calpol.